Revolution: a forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system 
Revolutionary: engaged in or promoting political revolution
Reform: to make change in something in order to improve it
Protest: a statement or action expressing disapproval of an object or to something

America holds extreme amounts of pride in its ideas of freedom and equality. The country and the people are proud to be Americans because of the freedom they have, and the freedom they offer to all others. But how have these people gained this freedom? America has not always been as equal as it is now, the country has changed and developed over the years to become the superpower it is today. America has changed throughout the last 50 years because its citizens wanted change. The individuals formed groups who were willing to fight for the rights they knew they deserved, and by doing this, they shaped the America that is known today. The United States went in to the 1960's proud of their accomplishment in World War II, and their ability to dig themselves out of a nation-wide depression. Through this hard work, more and more people began to see the Constitutional rights they knew they deserved and they knew they needed to fight for.Picture: